Stephen Kingah

Research Fellow

PhD in Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
LLM, Universit¨¦ Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
DES en droit, The University of Namur
LLB, University of Yaound¨¦ II
skingah@cris.unu.edu +32 50 47 11 05

Stephen Kingah is a Research Fellow at ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ-CRIS. 

Stephen Kingah has a PhD in law from the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He specializes on the rules that pertain to access to medicines and vaccines, especially in the South. During his doctoral studies Stephen was research fellow at the Institute for European Studies of the VUB, while also doubling as a PhD intern at ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ-CRIS.

Stephen is visiting lecturer at the University of Strasbourg where he teaches a course on the EU¡¯s relations with international financial institutions. Previously he has taught as guest lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, the Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique, the College of Europe in Bruges and the VUB in Brussels. He is on the scientific committee of the Review of African Law. He also served as rapporteur for the American Society of International Law¡¯s Interest Group on International Organizations for the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Following his PhD studies, Stephen worked as ad hoc administrator in the European Commission charged with the European Union¡¯s relations with international financial institutions, with emphasis on the World Bank and the African Development Bank. He has also worked as an expert for projects funded by the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ) and, more recently, the European Parliament.

Stephen has published in many periodicals including the International and Comparative Law Quarterly, International Organizations Law Review, the European Foreign Affairs Review, Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, amongst others. He recently co-authored (with Stefaan Smis)  a monograph on SADC and book chapters with Kluwer Law International, Intercentia and Lynne Rienner publishers. He takes interests in: the legal and political aspects of EU-ACP relations; international financial institutions; the African Union¡¯s institutional architecture; and human rights aspects of accessing affordable health care in the South.

As a research fellow at ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ-CRIS, he will work on the comparative regionalism cluster. He will focus on, amongst others, the economic partnership agreements that are being negotiated by the EU and ACP countries/regions.

Research Interests 

  • Comparative Regionalism
  • International rules and policies related to access to medicines and vaccines in the South
  • international organizations
  • EU Relations with ACP countries
  • International Human rights law
  • International financial institutions
  • African Union


  • Coordination Team FP7 EU-GR:EEN project
  • Research Fellow
  • Visiting lecturer: Univeristy of Strasbourg
  • Member of the editorial team of Revue du droit africain
  • Rapporteur for SADC for the International Organizations Interest Group of the American Society of International Law