Pathways to Resilience

Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Management & Adaptive Planning (VARMAP)

People crossing a flooded street

Providing actionable knowledge on systemic risks and pathways to climate-resilient futures

The VARMAP Division conducts policy-oriented research on systemic risks and pathways to sustainability in the context of climate change. Its vision is to provide actionable knowledge for climate-resilient futures. VARMAP has a strong track record in developing and applying conceptual frameworks to understand the complex nature of risks. VARMAP explores opportunities for risk reduction and examines diverse adaptation options and pathways towards sustainability and resilient societies. Supporting informed decision-making by digital means and ensuring an inclusive and just digitalization are of growing importance in VARMAP¡¯s work.

VARMAP helps to implement the UN¡¯s 2030 Development Agenda, the Sendai Framework, the Paris Agreement and other sustainability-oriented international initiatives. VARMAP convenes an interdisciplinary team and works with a wide network of partners from science and practice. The section draws on mixed methods approaches, integrating qualitative and quantitative tools. It unites a global orientation with empirical work in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas. Countries and regions of specific interest and expertise are Vietnam, India, Indonesia, the MENA region, West-Africa, Southern Africa and the Bonn-Cologne urban area.



Integrating Ecosystem-based Approaches into Flood Risk Management for Adaptive and Sustainable Urban Development in Central Vietnam (FloodAdaptVN)

This project aims to analyze and ultimately reduce flood risks for people, livelihoods, and assets in highly flood prone urban regions of Vietnam.

29 Oct 2019