
Assessing Financial Needs for Implementing UNCCD National Drought Plans and Drought-Related Processes

This project will assess the financial needs for drought processes and develop the case for preparation, mitigation and response to drought.

Date Published
15 Mar 2024
Expected Start Date
18 Jul 2023
Expected End Date
17 Nov 2023
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

Drought is at the core of the UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework, as it is reflected in its Strategic Objectives 3 which aims to mitigate, adapt to, and manage the effects of drought in order to enhance the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems. In an effort to tackle drought issues, UNCCD introduced the Drought Initiative in 2018. The foundation of this initiative is the understanding that the impact of a drought is not solely determined by its severity but rather by the capacity of countries and communities to anticipate and prepare for it. ? As a result of this endeavours, more than 70 countries have formulated National Drought Plans (NDPs). There is however limited understanding of the total financial resources needed to implement such NDPs by countries due to the limited scope of the studies carried out so far.

In this context, Decision 13/COP 15 requests the Global Mechanism to Develop a methodology and conduct a needs assessment to determine the financial requirements for the implementation of the Convention, building on national reporting and on a voluntary targeting-setting exercise and other processes. In addition, Decision 23/COP.15 requests the secretariat and the Global Mechanism to examine and identify at the global level the financing needs and opportunities for drought risk reduction and resilience-building activities in relation to those already existing, including partnerships with the private sector.
The purpose of this project is to assess the financial needs linked to the UNCCD Drought Processes - with a specific focus on the National Drought Plans - as well as the development of the investment case associated with country actions to prepare, mitigate and respond to drought.