Master¡¯s Degree Theses
- System Dynamics Model of Rice Supply Chain for National Food Security: A Case of Small-Scale Farming in South Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Assessing the Dynamics of River Systems and Stakeholder Relations for Sustainable Water Management Within the Pra River Basin
- Reframing Indigenous Tourism Through the Eyes of the Misak People in Colombia
- Systems Thinking for Equitable Conservation of the Mau Forest, Kenya
- Commercial Urban Agriculture for Urban Sustainability on Penang Island, Malaysia
- Effects of Illegal Mining and Climate Change on Water Stress in Ghana: A Multistakeholder Analysis
- Assessing Renewable Energy Projects in the Voluntary Carbon Market and their Potential for Sustainable Development
- Public Knowledge, Awareness, and Perception on Microplastic Pollution in the Philippines
- Open Defecation in Urban Forests: Its Motives and Impact on Cultural Ecosystem Services. A Case Study of Aboabo Forest in the Tamale Metropolis of Ghana
- An Analysis of Agricultural Education Curriculum in Two Higher Education Institutions in Northern Ghana: Its Agility in Responding to Climate Change
- Determining the Value of Achieving Water Security through Socio Economic Perspectives using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Framework
- Incorporating Stakeholder Values into Urban Green Space Planning: The Case of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana
- Determinants for Planning and Implementation of Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Plants in Gurugram, India
- Climate, Biodiversity and SDGs Interlinkages in the Context of Oil Palm Plantations in Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Education for Sustainable Development at the Senior High School Level in Bicol Region, Philippines: Investigating the Extent of Integration of Climate Change Education in Policy and Curriculum
- When Innovation Meets Tradition: Acceptance of Sake Breweries towards Adopting Renewable Energy in Times of Climate Change and Demographic Change
- Mapping Global Surface Water Salinity Trends and Impacts Using Remote Sensing and Data-Driven Modelling
- Sustainable Public Procurement: A Comparative Study of Ghana and Japan
- Human Security and Coastal Disaster Risk Governance: A Case Study of Conflicts over Seawall Construction at Katoku in Amami-Oshima Island, Japan
- Tracing the Erased: An Exploratory Study of Queer Exclusionary Discourse within the Workplace
- Establishing the Cause-effect Relationship within the Ngong River Ecosystem: A Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response Analysis
- Evaluating the Enabling Environment for Free, Active, and Meaningful Participation in Water and Sanitation Management in Urban Areas of Kabul, Afghanistan
- Multi-Stakeholder Perceptions Analysis of Protected Agriculture for Vegetable Production in Sri Lanka
- Labour Force and Gender: Does it Play a Role in the Palm Oil Industry
- The Doom of the Homo Sapiens: Climate Change Framing and Framing Interactions on Facebook in Vietnam
- Materiality Matters: Examining the Relationship between Quality of Materiality Disclosure and Sustainability Performance
- The Effectiveness of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Initiatives for Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Communities in Malawi
- Planning a Participatory Video Facilitation Course as an Adaptable Resource for Sustaining Resilience in Arctic Youth
- Women Empowerment and Food Security in Rural Ghanaian Communities: Evidence from Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs)
- Value Changes in Indigenous Baka Communities Due to Forest Use and Cover Change in Cameroon
- Institutions and Policies for Equitable Natural Resource Access: Comparative Analysis of Community Based Forest Management Systems in Nepal
- Reconstructing Climate Change Communication on Social Media: An Analysis of Frames and Framing on Twitter During COP21
- Assessment of Fluvial Flood Risk and Capacity to Respond under Hypothetical Infectious Disease Outbreak ¨C A Case Study of Danang City and COVID-19
- Towards Sustainable Urban Mobility in the Post-COVID-19 World: A Possible Future for Transit-Oriented Cities
- Disaster Risk Reduction Education: Assessing School Safety Towards Haze Pollution in Indonesia
- The Impacts on Local Communities and Wildlife Conservation as Seen Through Tourism Sites in Japan
- Empty Chairs and Empty Tables: The role of the Tochigi Food Bank Network and an Exploration of its Sustainability
- Rights-Based Approach to Colombia¡¯s NDCs through the Lenses of Amazon Indigenous Peoples: A Case Study from Caqueta and Putumayo
- Influences on an Older Person¡¯s Capability to Adopt Lifestyle Actions, in Contribution to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
- Adaptation Strategies Adopted by Indigenous Community for Sustainable Livelihood in Response to the Changing Climate: A Case Study of Sherpa Community from Lukla, Nepal
- Food Security and Oil Palm Development under the High Carbon Stock Voluntary Certification Assessment in Tropical Forest Communities of North-Western Liberia
- Ignored No More: Integrating Urban Internally Displaced Persons (uIDPs) Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Cities
- Governance of Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) into Local Development Planning: A Case of Land-Use Planning in the Philippines
- Climate Compatible Development for Village Community in Indonesia: An Assessment at the National Level on Expenditure and Policy Interplay
- Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Development in Tanzania: Solar Energy-Economic Development Nexus at the Community Level a Case of Solar PV Development in Dodoma City
- Human Perception and Public Policy: Development, Integration, and Urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon
- Tackling Food Loss and Waste in Japan: Assessing the Sustainability Impacts of ICT-mediated Surplus Food Sharing
- Monitoring the Process of Implementation of the Public Policy on Climate Change
- Policy Implications of Flood Management in an Urban Context
- From Recycling to Sustainable Consumption & Production
- Generational Perceptions and Learning of Ecosystem Services
- Evaluation of the Nexus between Financial Inclusion and Social Capital
- Pathways to Family Resilience: A Case Study of Post-Typhoon Ketsana Relocation
- Building Climate Resilient Community with Empowering Women
- Transformation for Resilience Building: Capability and Agency in Surat City
- Impacts of Future Changes in Climate and Water Demands on Water Resources
- The Health and Carbon Effects of a Bike Sharing System
- Integrative Assessment of Stormwater Infiltration Practices in Rapidly Urbanising Cities: A Case of Lucknow City, India
- The Impact of Youth Participation in Urban Agriculture on Biophilia Levels and Affinity towards Environmental Sustainability
- Low Carbon Technology Transfer: The Case of the Sri Lankan Electric Three-Wheeler
- Story of the Land and its Peoples: South and Southeast Asia¡¯s Indigenous Land Rights
- A Study on Household Water Consumption and Management in Jaffna and Insights for Groundwater Management with the Participation of Households
- Urban Community Gardens: Enhancing Household Food Security and Ecosystem Services in Masvingo and Mutare Urban Areas, Zimbabwe
- Land Cover Change Impacts on Sedimentation and Communities in Shwegyin Watershed, Myanmar
- Analyses of Perceived Value, Views, and Preferences on the Benefits of Ecosystem Services to Inform Comprehensive Land Use Planning in Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines
- Identification of Critical Location for Enhancing Groundwater Recharge in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Community Ecosystem Services Valuation and Mapping of Landscape Values under Different Protection Category: The Case of Malampaya Sound Protected Landscape and Seascape, Taytay, Palawan, Philippines
- Integrated Spatial Modeling for Land Use Management: Addressing Challenges Of Urban Sustainability
- Effect of Climate Change and Urban Development on the Future Water Quality of Urban Rivers in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Assessment of Traditional and Local Knowledge (TLK) for Disaster Risk Reduction in Flood and Drought Prone Communities in Northern Ghana
- Explaining the Diffusion of LED Lighting Technology in India and its Significance for Future South-South Transfer through Innovation Systems and Low Carbon Technology Transfer Approach
Doctoral Dissertations
- Introducing the Food Value Framework (FVF) to Empower a Sustainable and Unified Global Food System
- Understanding the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on the Water-Energy-Food-Health Nexus in the Lake Victoria Basin of Uganda: A Case of the Namanve Area
- Appraising Ecosystem Services in Urban Cultural Landscapes: A Case Study on Preserved Sacred Forests in Kanazawa City, Japan
- The Nexus of Green Public Finance and Achieving Carbon Neutrality in China
- Toward Solar Urban Planning in Ghana: A Techno-Economic and Socio-Political Analysis of Integrating Solar PV into Residential Developments in Accra
- Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in Semi-arid Agricultural Communities of Tanzania towards Potential Contribution to SDG¡¯s: No Poverty and Zero Hunger
- Integration of ICT-Enhanced Education for Sustainable Development: Policies and Practices for In-service Teachers in Mongolia
- Urban Expansion in Secondary Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa: Transformation and Sustainability Impacts on Peri-Urban Tamale and Wa, Ghana
- Governing Diversity in Agricultural Production Landscapes for Transformations to Sustainable Food Systems
- Brave New Worlds: Private Sector Solutions for Sustainable Development Through ICT for ESD
- Urban Agriculture as an Open Space Management Strategy in Long-term Urban Planning in Developing Countries
- Urban Public Transport Experimentation for Low Carbon Mobility Transitions in Jakarta, Indonesia
- The Contribution of Sugarcane Farming to Household Food-Energy-Water Security in Dryland Agricultural Areas in Zimbabwe
- Impact of Urban River Commons Governance on Urban Ecosystem Services Provisioning: A Social-Ecological System Dynamics Approach
- The Role of the Water Environment in Urban Areas and its Significance to the Urban Economy
- Assessing the Supply and Demand of Urban Green Spaces in Urbanizing City of Nagpur, India
- Sustainable Urban-Rural Linkages: A Comparative Study of Potential Solutions for Enhancing Agricultural Extension Services in Ghana and Zambia
- Food Security and Multidimensional Poverty in Selected Khat and Coffee-Growing Areas
- Interlinkage of Large-Scale Sugarcane Plantations, Household Food Security, Biodiversity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Ethiopia
- Local Knowledge in Rural Livelihoods and Forest Resource Utilization in Northwestern Myanmar
- Climate Downscaling and Seasonal Prediction with Statistical Models