Mir Matin

Mir Matin

Manager, Geospatial, Climate and Infrastructure Analytics Program

Mir Matin has over 30 years of experience as a Researcher and Manager in the area of geospatial information services.

Mir Matin holds a PhD in remote sensing and ecohydrology from University of New Brunswick, Canada. He worked at the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) in Bangladesh as head of GIS division, International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka as head of remote sensing, GIS and database unit and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in Nepal as theme leader for Geospatial Solutions and Science and Data Lead for SERVIR HKH programme. He has diverse experience in implementing information services for water resources, hydroclimatic disaster risk reduction, agriculture and food security, ecosystem, and weather and climate services. He managed research projects for flood and drought monitoring and early warning, land cover change monitoring, extreme weather forecasting and damage assessment, climate resilient forest and land use management, forest fire monitoring, crop monitoring, and landslide monitoring. He has long experience in developing water resources data and information systems and capacity development for national agencies. He developed, managed and contributed to research projects and implementation of information services in more than 10 countries and authored over 50 publications.