Module 3: Theory, Design and Methodology

During the online module in research theory, design and analysis, participants will continue developing their own individual research idea and build on the literature that was reviewed in module 2. This module provides 3 units with online lectures, tutorial guidance and individual support. Unit one elaborates on the function of theories and hypotheses and explores inductive and deductive uses of theory. In unit 2, we deepen the need to make design choices that are guided by the methodological focus of the research. In unit 3, we zoom in on the methodology and data needs. Online synchronous lectures will be supplemented with peer group tutorial sessions and discussion boards to cover general issues participants deal with, and a feedback session on individual assignments.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the use of theory, models and hypotheses in research settings and apply those to the individual research proposal;
  • Awareness of research design choices, including method choices and population selection / sample strategies;
  • Ability to understand data needs, assessment of data quality, data collection methods choice
  • Connecting the available or (to be) collected data to the analysis proposed.    
  • Tuition: EUR 500
  • Format & Workload: Online, 10-15 hours a week
  • ECTS equivalence: 1.5 ECTS equivalence

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