Module 5: Proposal writing, presentation, and dissemination

In the current academic environment, we cannot trust people will just read our work and use it. This problem is even more apparent in the policy field, where academic research is less commonly read. Therefore, it is our responsibility, as researchers, to make sure our work gets disseminated well. Module five is a one week workshop in Maastricht, where we prepare the participants to actively disseminate their ideas and findings. The workshop includes academic research presentation skills, writing skills including academic and policy memo writing, research dissemination classes and a proposal presentation session to complete the EPRM course.

Learning Objectives:

  • Develop a final research proposal;
  • Understand the different channels and forms to communicate and disseminate a research project;
  • Improve a research proposal to fit academic writing standards;
  • Create awareness about steps to be taken between proposal and implementation stage of a research project.
  • Tuition: EUR 1000
  • Format & Workload: On-site or Online, 40 hours a week
  • ECTS equivalence: 1.5 ECTS equivalence

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