The Housing Areas Rehabilitation and Integration Program (Programme de R¨¦habilitation et d¡¯Int¨¦gration des Quartiers d¡¯Habitation (PRIQH 2) (2019-2023)) aims to improve the living conditions of urban poor living in 146 precarious neighborhoods, through the implementation of four components: (1) the development of basic infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, networks, etc.), (2) the improvement of housing, (3) the development of collective facilities, equipments and business premises, and (4) the assignment of plots near the rehabilitated neighborhoods. The program is funded by AFD, the EIB, the European Union and the Republic of Tunisia. The Ministry of Equipment, Housing and Territorial Development (MEHAT) is the project owner of PRIQH 2, and the Urban Rehabilitation and Renovation Agency (ARRU) is the implementing agency.
The purpose of the Impact Assessment is to have a socio-economic analysis of the neighborhoods to allow the rigorous measurement of the impact of the PRIQH 2 project on the beneficiaries in 7 areas: living conditions (income, housing, etc.), employment, security and social cohesion, social mobility, subjective well-being, youth aspirations and neighborhood (densification, spreading).