Current Projects
Completed Projects
Showing 41-60 of 98 results
The Political Practice of Peacekeeping: How Strategies for Peace Operations are Developed and Implemented
Clear, evidence-based approaches for facilitating political resolutions to conflict.
What can the UN Security Council do on Climate and Security?
Examining how climate change and security risks trigger the Security Council's mandate for action.
Back From the Brink: UN Preventive Diplomacy in West and Central Africa
The UN¡¯s contribution to reducing the risk of conflict-related violence in The Gambia and Gabon.
When Dictators Fall: Preventing Violent Conflict During Transitions From Authoritarian Rule
The contrasting ways countries transition out of authoritarian rule and how the UN can influence pathways away from violence.
Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions
The role of PGMs in conflict and post-conflict settings and how PGMs might help or hurt prospects for sustainable peacebuilding.
Conflict Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Adapting the UN to Climate-Security Risks
Supporting the UN and its partners to develop climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.
The United States' Current and Future Relationship With the United Nations
US policy towards the UN under the Trump administration and effective, multilateral approaches to the UN's engagement with the US.
No Research About Us Without Us: Participatory Policy-Oriented Research With Children and Youth Affected by Conflict
A participatory workshop model to assess the needs of children and youth impacted by conflict.
UN Transitions: Improving Security Council Practice in Mission Settings
The Security Council's historical evolution in overseeing UN transitions.
Project: Conflict Prevention in the Sahel: Emerging Practice Across the UN
Supporting the UN¡¯s understanding of the situation in the Sahel - and how it can better respond to current and emerging risks
Due Process in UN Targeted Sanctions
The potential to advance the UN Security Council's use of sanctions to achieve its strategic objectives.
The Iraqi State, Geopolitics, and the Popular Mobilization Forces
Policies that could potentially to chip away at paramilitary groups' power, mitigate their abuses, and enforce their accountability.
The New Geopolitics of Converging Risks: The UN and Prevention in the Era of AI
The emerging impacts of AI convergence on the United Nations¡¯ prevention agenda.
Citizenship and Its Discontents in the Middle East: Kurdish Nationalism at an Impasse
The challenges facing Kurdish national identity in Iraqi Kurdistan's stalled political transition and the possibility for a new social contract.
Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan
An assessment of the achievements and impacts of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).
UN Sanctions and Mediation: Establishing Evidence To Inform Practice
Twenty policy recommendations to enhance complementarity, following discussions in New York and Geneva.
Minimum Order: The Role of the Security Council in an Era of Major Power Competition
Amid rising great power tensions, the UN Security Council grapples with challenges in addressing conflicts.
Managing Exits from Armed Conflict
This project aims to enhance understanding of how and why individuals exit armed conflict and how to encourage transitions away from the battlefield.
Surges and Swarms: A Conversation on Responsible Coverage of Migration
Recommendations for best practices for newsmakers, media regulators, United Nations entities and Member States when reporting on issues of migration.
The Shia View of Dealing With ISIS Suspects in the Hands of Iraqi Justice
The degree of support among Iraqi Shia for current legal practices regarding ISIS suspects and their openness to alternative leniency approaches.