Showing 37-48 of 135 results
FAST: The Podcast
Exploring the connections between global finance and modern slavery and human trafficking.
Fighting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Part 1
Helping financial organizations to identify, mitigate and prevent modern slavery risks and exploitative practices.
Including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments
Enhancing money laundering and terrorist financing inclusion in National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments (NRAs).
Detecting Financial Flows of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: A Guide to Automated Transaction Monitoring
Mobilizing the financial sector to enhance detection of modern slavery.
Establishing an Agile Response Process to Crisis and Conflict-related Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Risks
Risk identification and mitigation measures for financial institutions to address modern slavery.
Strengthening Financial Inclusion to Protect Against Modern Slavery: Applying Lessons to Bank Forcibly Displaced Persons/Refugees
Practical insights from the financial sector in addressing the financial inclusion needs of persons forcibly displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.
Financial Needs and Vulnerability to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Haiti
Ethically integrating local financial solutions into broader efforts to prevent exploitation in Haiti.
Asset Recovery and Restitution
Leveraging Inter-agency and Multi-stakeholder Cooperation to Facilitate Compensation for Victims and Survivors of Forced Labour and Human Trafficking.
FAST Annual Stakeholder Convening 2023
Sharing knowledge and practices to help eradicate modern slavery.